Lara's Blog

Monday, 2 October 2006

one more from edinburgh

Last night i went out again with Jess and a few other girls from the hostel. Went to the bar with £1 drinks (and jelly shots!) and then on to Frankenstein the funny club. Drinks in test tubes?? and about 15 mins before it closed a robotic frankenstein was lowered towards the dance floor. he sat up, looked around then lay back down again and was taken away! Very odd...

This morning i headed down the end of the Royal Mile to the Holyrood House - the queen's scotland residence. Quite expensive to go in, but there was a free audio guide so that was good. Everything is so highly decorated it's so.... opulent or something. But bare at the same time. These large rooms with minimal furniture. I wonder if its just for display purposes or if they're really furnished like that. There are the ruins of an old abbey outside with are kind of eery. Apparently the roof caved in.

Later i decided to head up Salisbury Crag. That was so incredibly steep!!!!!! Walk that every day and a marathon would be easy. Good views though.

The palace from the crag

After coming back down i was sitting in teh park and a Pipe and Drum band came past!!! So exciting!!!!!! I love bagpipes.... and i realise many of you think i've got a problem for actually liking them! no idea why they were playing, but they had a police escort too.

So tomorrow morning i go on my tour. Not looking forward to getting my bag up to high street. Never realised how up and down Edinburgh is, but apparently its situated on 7 hills. Can't remember if i said but the castle is actually on top of an extinct volcano.


  • hello there. when i was in scotland, about 100 metres down from the gates of the castle; there's a scottish gift shop that sells bagpipes and cross bows and all that weird stuff. guys from footy tour actually managed to smuggle full on hunting crossbows back into ausstralia buut that was before 9/11 i guess. its also where i bought you those mini bagpipes.haha. there's some cool pubs along that street hey? tried hagas yet?

    what was it like doing the walking to alone? was the guide good? you say that ed is hilly. that was the first thing i noticed about it. so damn hilly!so i loved the taxis. haha

    when you were in london did you go a museum which showed all the carnage of life in medieval england? not the tower of london... anyways..its scary!

    well it sounds like you're keeping busy andlearning along the way...haha. keep us posted on your travels. james.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, October 02, 2006 10:34:00 am  

  • that drink looks a bit of a worry!!M

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, October 02, 2006 8:07:00 pm  

  • lala...I'm packing!! But u needn't worry. I showed Caffy my packing list and she's approved it all. Still can't believe she dobbed me in on my lovely little keds. Weather looks like it's gonna turn just as we get in....Picking up ticket tomorra. Will be having "an adverse reaction to my tetanus booster resulting in nausea and vomiting"...See you soon. Rhonda

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 04, 2006 11:20:00 pm  

  • James,
    yep i tried haggis! it was orright! dunno if i could eat a whole plate of it, but if served as a side, its fine!
    walking tour alone was kinda weird, but good cos it meant i asked lots of questions!
    no i didn't see that museum you're talking about. there was some torture devices in the tour of london i saw but that was it.

    By Blogger Lara, at Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:28:00 am  

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